Uganda Programs


Population as of 2022: 48 million people.
In 2022, 21.4% of the population lived below the poverty line.

Our Work

We are dedicated to making the world a better place for all. The hardships faced by the poor in Asia and Europe are similar to those in Africa, where the situation is often more severe. This is why we are devoted to improving the lives of vulnerable individuals by ensuring their rights are met and their needs are fulfilled.

Why Uganda?

Poverty is a harsh reality for hundreds of millions of Ugandans, with hereditary poverty perpetuating this cycle of hardship. However, with your support, the Murphy Charitable Foundation is committed to making a difference. Since 2018, Murphy Charitable Foundation has been actively working in Uganda. Despite the daunting statistics, our efforts are bringing hope and tangible change to communities across the country. Through our dedicated programs, we are transforming lives and altering the narrative, one person at a time.

Our unwavering commitment to combating poverty in Uganda is yielding real results. Join us in this mission. Let’s turn the tide against poverty and inspire hope.

Our Main programs in Uganda.

The child sponsorship

Open the eyes of a vulnerable child to a world beyond poverty, helping them dream big and make a difference in their community.

By sponsoring through the Murphy Charitable Foundation, you’re not just giving money, you’re building a meaningful connection with a child in need. Your support will provide essential care and education, paving the way for a brighter future. Let’s create a world where every child can thrive and reach their potential.

The pen pal program

Join our Pen Pal Program and connect with a child in need through letter writing. As a pen pal, you’ll offer valuable support and encouragement, becoming a beacon of hope to a child who treasures your friendship and kind words.

Empowering Women Through Our 0% Interest Kind Loans Program.

When women have access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, they can make informed decisions about their families’ well- being, leading to healthier and better-educated generations. We are dedicated to empowering girls and women to break the cycles of illiteracy and poverty in their lives, families, and communities. Our goal is to drive positive social change among vulnerable women, both locally and globally.

Murphy Charitable Foundation is committed to providing women with the tools and resources needed to overcome barriers to career advancement and business success. Our economic empowerment programs, including 0% interest micro-finance initiatives, small business development support, education, and holistic poverty alleviation strategies, benefit thousands of women in the communities we serve.

Cancer awareness

We’re dedicated to raising cancer awareness in communities. While the WHO and other health research organisations continue their quest for a cure, our focus on prevention and survivorship empowers individuals to live longer, healthier, and happier lives, free from the devastation of cancer.

We believe in diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is shocking that there are few, if any, international cancer NGOs specifically for teenagers. Recognising this gap, we realised change was needed. That’s why we are committed to being part of the solution, innovating, changing, and saving lives.

Youth Empowerment Program

At Murphy Charitable Foundation, we’re committed to cultivating a love for reading and writing among children in the region. Through initiatives like our motivational movie project and the establishment of a library, we will empower youth and children to expand their horizons and pursue their dreams. Join us in building a future where every child has the opportunity to thrive through education and inspiration.

Tech and Education Program

In Uganda, the shortage of basic and advanced digital skills in the job market is a critical issue. Businesses across Africa face a significant gap between the demand for digital expertise and the available supply. Over 80% of African businesses report that this skills gap is a major obstacle to investment.

To address this, we must prioritise digital skills development at all levels. Uganda needs to ensure its workforce is equipped to handle rapidly changing technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, extended reality, and quantum computing. Key areas like cybersecurity and coding are also essential for businesses and workers to thrive in the digital age.

Other Upcoming Programs in Uganda

Direct Giving Program

We’re gearing up to launch a ground breaking initiative that allows donors to directly support impoverished households in rural Ugandan communities. This program aims to provide immediate assistance to those most in need, bypassing intermediaries to ensure funds reach beneficiaries efficiently.

Hand Skills Development Program among Youth and Women

Our upcoming initiative focuses on empowering women and youth by offering hand skills courses such as motor mechanics, hairdressing, baking, carpentry, and tailoring. By equipping them with practical skills, we aim to enhance their employability and entrepreneurial prospects, fostering economic independence and self-sufficiency.

Water and Sanitation

We’re committed to supporting vulnerable communities without access to clean water sources by facilitating the drilling of boreholes. This intervention not only ensures easy access to safe water but also contributes to improved health outcomes and sanitation practices in these communities.

Health Programs

Soon, we’ll be launching health programs, including conducting health camps in communities for cancer screening and general check-ups. Additionally, we’ll provide patients with the necessary support for treatment, addressing critical healthcare needs and promoting overall well-being.

Supporting HIV+ Patients

Our HIV/AIDS support program aims to provide comprehensive support to HIV-positive individuals. Through initiatives such as direct giving, counselling programs, and household improvements, we aim to help patients overcome trauma, maintain a balanced diet, and lead healthy lives.

Solar Energy Program

In collaboration with our partners, we’re working to extend study hours for school children in rural communities by installing solar energy panels in schools. This initiative not only improves academic performance but also fosters a desire for education completion among students, laying the foundation for a brighter future.

English Learning Program

Our upcoming program offers an opportunity for individuals to learn the English language, facilitating cultural connections and enhancing employability. Proficiency in English opens doors to various opportunities, empowering individuals to thrive in an interconnected world.

School in a Bag Program

We’re preparing to launch a School in a Bag program, enabling well-wishers to provide impoverished children with essential school supplies. By ensuring access to educational materials, we’re removing barriers to education and empowering children to pursue their academic aspirations.

Agriculture Project

Our forthcoming agriculture project aims to uplift the lives of farmers through various agricultural interventions. By implementing sustainable farming practices and providing targeted support, we’re working to enhance food security, increase incomes, and improve livelihoods in rural communities.

Country Overview

Uganda is experiencing rapid population growth, especially among young people. This adds pressure on things like jobs and resources.

However, Uganda has great potential. It’s rich in natural resources and has many people living in rural areas. Our focus has shifted over the years, but we’re still committed to improving life for Ugandans.

We have clear goals. We want to support children, especially vulnerable women and young people. We also prioritise health and environmental programs. Murphy Charitable Foundation Uganda is dedicated to addressing these challenges and helping families break the cycle of poverty.

The 7 facts About Uganda

Rich Culture: Uganda is home to over 56 ethnic groups, each with its own language and traditions, making it one of Africa’s most culturally diverse countries.

Wildlife Haven: Uganda’s diverse landscapes support iconic African wildlife like elephants, lions, gorillas, and chimpanzees.

Nile River Source: The White Nile, a major tributary of the Nile River, starts from Lake Victoria in Uganda, attracting visitors to witness the source at Jinja.

Gorilla Trekking: Uganda is famous for its mountain gorillas, with Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park offering unforgettable gorilla trekking experiences.

Friendly People: Ugandans are known for their warm hospitality and friendliness, making visitors feel welcome and comfortable.

Lake Victoria: Africa’s largest lake, Lake Victoria, borders Uganda and supports fishing, transportation, and irrigation, benefiting millions of people in the region.

Land Size: Uganda covers approximately 241,551 square kilometers (93,263 square miles), offering diverse terrain and landscapes to explore.

Country Overview

Uganda is experiencing rapid population growth, especially among young people. This adds pressure on things like jobs and resources.

However, Uganda has great potential. It’s rich in natural resources and has many people living in rural areas. Our focus has shifted over the years, but we’re still committed to improving life for Ugandans.

We have clear goals. We want to support children, especially vulnerable women and young people. We also prioritise health and environmental programs. Murphy Charitable Foundation Uganda is dedicated to addressing these challenges and helping families break the cycle of poverty.

Holidays & Festivals in Uganda

New Year’s Day: January 1st Liberation Day: January 26th Women’s Day: March 8th Easter Week: March/April Labor Day: May 1st Martyrs’ Day: June 3rd Heroes’ Day: June 9th Independence Day: October 9th Christmas: December 25th

The Christmas season holds special significance in Uganda, marked by festive celebrations and traditions. Shopping commences as early as the first week of December, with gifts, clothing, and Christmas cards being popular purchases. Caroling is a cherished tradition during this time. Additionally, Uganda observes Muslim holidays alongside these festivities.

Since 2018, Murphy Charitable Foundation has been working hard in Uganda to help those in need. We’ve already helped over 10,000 people through various projects like our Pen Pal Program, women’s empowerment, youth programs, cancer awareness, technology education, and more. Even though poverty is a big problem in Uganda, we’re determined to make a difference. Our programs are bringing hope to communities and families, one step at a time. With your support, we can keep changing lives for the better.

Donate to help make a difference in Uganda