Technology Courses

Tech and Education Programme

Aiming to Bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world employment in Uganda.

Empowering Young People with Digital Skills for Job Creation

In Uganda, the shortage of both basic and advanced digital skills in the job market has become a critical issue. Businesses across Africa are grappling with a significant gap between the demand for workers with digital expertise and the available supply. Over 80% of African businesses report that the lack of staff with adequate digital skills is a major obstacle to investment.

Bridging the Gender Gap and Creating Opportunities.

Murphy Charitable Foundation Uganda, in partnership with the Community Tech, has set ambitious targets. Our goal is to empower young adults with digital skills, ensuring that they possess at least a basic level of proficiency. By doing so, we aim to produce over 2,500 ICT professionals in Uganda by 2030. But our commitment goes beyond mere numbers.

Furthermore, we recognise the importance of gender equality in the technology sector. Therefore, we actively promote access to digital skills for women. Bridging the gender gap is not only a matter of fairness; it’s also essential for the industry’s growth and innovation. By encouraging more women to participate in technology-related fields, we can tap into a wealth of untapped talent and perspectives.

Digital Skills and Job Creation Initiative

Our initiative focuses on closing the digital skills gap and aligning with the Digital Decade targets. Through training programs, workshops, and partnerships with Tech companies, we aim to equip young Ugandans with the skills they need to thrive in the digital economy. By doing so, we contribute to job creation, economic growth, and sustainable development.

Join us in this exciting journey toward a digitally empowered Uganda one where young people have the tools they need to succeed, businesses thrive, and gender equality is a reality.

Our Commitment

At Murphy Charitable Foundation, in partnership with Community Tech, our commitment extends beyond education. We are dedicated to fostering global opportunities in the dynamic realm of technology. Through immersive programs and a robust work-study initiative, we empower young Ugandan adults with both skills and the confidence necessary to navigate and succeed in the ever-evolving landscape of IT.

Our Focus Areas

Full Stack Web Development

Unlock the power of full-stack web development. This essential skill involves mastering both front-end and back-end intricacies. Dive into languages, frameworks, and databases to create dynamic, user-centric applications. Beyond coding, this expertise opens doors to diverse tech career opportunities, ensuring you stay competitive in the dynamic world of web development.


In today’s digital landscape, cyber threats are rampant. Mastering cybersecurity is crucial for personal and organisational protection. Acquire skills to identify, mitigate risks, and prevent attacks. Beyond personal security, this field offers diverse career paths, from analysts to ethical hackers. Invest in cybersecurity—it’s your smart move in navigating our digital world.

Data Science

Explore the world of data science. Leverage data to drive insights and informed decisions. Whether in finance, healthcare, or technology, mastering data science gives you a competitive edge. Optimize business processes, enhance decision-making, and understand customer needs. From data analysts to machine learning engineers, this skill unlocks diverse career opportunities.


Robotics isn’t just for science fiction—it’s a hands-on avenue for students. Delve into engineering, programming, and problem-solving. Beyond STEM skills, robotics nurtures teamwork, critical thinking, and communication. From specially designed kits to coding languages like Scratch and Blockly, robotics programs prepare students for future success.

Coding for Youth

In the ever-evolving digital age, coding is paramount. It fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Our educational initiative enhances digital literacy and equips students for the future workforce. Break down complex issues, innovate, and express yourself through creating programs and projects.

Essential Language Learning for Youth

We empower newcomer youth and those without formal education resources through our English language learning programs. Our tailored approach cultivates essential language skills—reading, writing, and speaking. In a supportive and inclusive environment, build confidence in effective communication. Let’s break down barriers and create brighter futures together.

Join us on a journey where education meets innovation, preparing the next generation for the dynamic and tech-driven world that awaits.