Sponsor a child

Change a life

Open the eyes of a vulnerable child to see a world beyond poverty, empowering them to envision the extraordinary.
With your help, they can dare to dream big, chase their aspirations, and make a profound impact on their community and beyond.


Families Reached


Children Supported


Lifes Changed

Chose a child and you will be redirect to their page on Donorbox.
One-time or monthly support, starting with just $10.00 you can make the difference

Support Beyond Financial Means


Sydney Australia

My experience as a sponsor with Murphy Charitable Foundation has been nothing short of
transformative.The positive impact of my support on the life of my 2 sponsored children is life-changing


Lodon UK

I’m current sponsor of three children at the age of 6, 8 and 12 years through Murphy Charitable
Foundation, this experience has given me a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Manchester UK

The pen pal initiative in Uganda immediately resonated with me. In just two months of exchanging letters with my pen pal, I was deeply moved by the challenges she faces and the resilience she exhibits.


What is child sponsorship?

Child sponsorship is a heartfelt commitment where individuals like you extend financial aid to children in need, addressing vital aspects of their well-being such as education, healthcare, nutrition, and other essentials. This noble act plays a pivotal role in breaking the cycle of poverty, nurturing a brighter future not only for the sponsored child but also for their entire community.

Why child sponsorship is so Important?

In a world where more than 8 million children endure the daily struggles of hunger, preventable diseases, and educational barriers, your sponsorship can be their beacon of hope. By choosing to sponsor a child, you’re not just offering assistance; you’re offering the chance for a complete transformation. With your support, these children can break free from the shadows of adversity and embrace a future filled with promise and possibility. Together, we empower them to realize their dream, advocate for their rights, and catalyze positive change within their communities. Join us in rewriting their stories, one sponsorship at a time.

How to support a child from a long distance?

Taking the step to support a child from a distance is a seamless and secure process. Simply choose child’s photo, select your preferred method of assistance, and embark on a journey of compassion that ties you, through an intangible bond, to a child in a distant land. This bond is crafted from love, dignity, and a shared vision for a brighter tomorrow. You have multiple avenues to extend your help.

Can I visit my sponsored child?

Certainly! You are welcome to visit your sponsored child at any time. However, we kindly ask that you adhere to the organization’s guidelines, which may include scheduling a visit through our office before meeting the child in their community. Your cooperation ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for both you and your sponsored child.

How much does Child Sponsorship Cost?

With a minimum commitment of $10 a month, you have the power to transform not only the life of a child but also the entire community they call home. Your generosity translates into essential services like food, medical care, and education, catalyzing positive change and empowerment. It’s worth noting that
we don’t simply hand out cash to the children and or their families. Instead, your support fuels targeted development initiatives within the child’s community, addressing the root causes of hereditary poverty and driving sustainable progress.

What will I get from a child as a sponsor?

As a sponsor, you’ll receive monthly updates, photos, and letters from your sponsored child, fostering a personal connection and the chance to witness their growth. You can communicate directly with the child, actively engaging in their development, and even have the opportunity to meet them in person.

Can I refer my friends to sponsor other children?

Absolutely! You can refer your friends and family to sponsor children who have been eagerly awaiting sponsors. By doing so, you are not only enriching the lives of more children but also providing them with access to better education, healthcare, and overall welfare. Your referral can make a significant difference in the lives of these deserving children.