Cancer Awareness

Cancer does not discriminate, so why should we?

We believe in diversity, equity and inclusion. We are shocked by the fact that very few if not zero, international cancer NGOs for teenagers existed, So we realised, this needed to change. That is why we are part of the solution, to innovate, change and to save.

Saving lives by preventing cancer!

We’re dedicated to raising cancer awareness in communities. While WHO and other health research organisations continue their quest for a cure, our emphasis on prevention and survivorship empowers individuals to live longer, happier, and healthier lives, free from the devastation of cancer.

14 million people are diagnosed with cancer, and 1 million die of cancer every year. Millions of people have lost loved ones to cancer or have been a caregiver. We want to help.

Murphy Charitable Foundation Uganda and Teens for Cancer Patients are dedicated to attacking cancer.

TCP and Murphy Charitable Foundation Uganda are in collaboration to provide personalised academic and emotional support to teenagers, raise awareness of cancer stereotypes, utilise teenage talent to combat a severe illness, and ensure no one hears the words, “You have cancer”.

Our collaboration with organisations such as Teens for Cancer Patients among others is driven by our shared commitment to be agents of change. We firmly believe that you, too, can contribute to this transformation, starting with prioritising your own well-eing.

Our Work

Awareness Creation.

Murphy Charitable Foundation, is committed to ignite cancer awareness among teenagers, who face heightened risks of the disease. Globally, adolescents are increasingly at risk of cancer due to lifestyle choices such as tobacco and drug use. By spreading awareness within communities, we aim to shield thousands of teenagers from this threat.

Our approach emphasises lifestyle modifications, advocating for the avoidance of tobacco and drugs while promoting healthy practices like balanced nutrition and regular exercise.

Through grassroots initiatives, we empower teenagers to champion change within their communities, spreading the vital message of a tobacco-free existence. Our outreach programme on prevention measures extends through diverse channels, from community gatherings to radio talk shows, fostering one-on- one discussions and leveraging the power of social media. 

As we expand our efforts to include newspaper publications and television talk shows, our goal remains steadfast: to arm teenagers with the knowledge they need to protect themselves against cancer. Murphy Charitable Foundation recognises the profound impact of cancer on Uganda’s underprivileged communities and its broader economic implications.

By addressing the gap in cancer awareness, we pave the way for prevention and early detection, steadfast in our belief that prevention surpasses cure.

Boosting Research Efforts

Murphy Charitable Foundation is seeking to team up with government, civil society, funding agencies and academia to conduct research that guides national planning. We know that without solid data, it’s hard to make progress in fighting cancer. While there’s been progress in clinical research, we still lack vital information on the causes, patterns, and costs of cancer in Uganda and the world at large.

That’;s why we’re launching a research program focused on gathering this critical data, especially through epidemiological studies including the role of diet, nutrition and physical activity. With this evidence, we can help policymakers make informed decisions and allocate resources wisely in the fight against cancer. Let’s work together to make a difference.

Elevating Patient Support by Restoring their lost Hope and Dignity

In our Patient Support Program which is not yet funded, we aim to be committed in uplifting cancer patients by addressing their most essential needs for daily living. From providing accommodations to offering psychosocial support, ensuring transportation for treatment, and delivering critical first aid services, we will stand by patients every step of the way. Our vision in cancer programme extends beyond immediate assistance. 

We aspire to establish patient hostels near the Uganda Cancer Institute, offering a haven for those in need. By providing comprehensive care, including counselling, palliative services, and ongoing support, we aim to renew hope and resilience among patients, empowering them to overcome the challenges of cancer.

Furthermore, our efforts aim to extend into communities, where we will continue to offer counselling and support to survivors, creating a network of care that extends far beyond hospital walls. We are seeking funding to embark on a journey on uplifting and empower cancer patients, restoring dignity and hope in their lives.


What are your primary objectives for the cancer program?

  • Promote awareness of cancer risk factors
  • Enhance cancer prevention initiatives
  • Encourage early detection among individuals exhibiting signs and symptoms
  • Support cancer patients in adhering to treatment plans
  • Implement evidence-based and practice-based health promotion interventions
  • Offer comprehensive support to cancer patients
  • Advance research endeavours in the field of cancer

What are your primary activities to achieve the primary objectives?

We will continue to conduct community cancer outreach programs to educate on prevention measures across various platforms including community meetings, media, lower-level health centres, places of worship, workplaces, and schools. Our efforts will extend to establishing student cancer clubs in schools with the main goal of empowering young people to be good advocates about cancer prevention, control and management, this model is known as 3C’s (Children Caring about Cancer). Additionally, we will implement training and mentorship programs while conducting operational research to inform and guide our interventions effectively.

Are there any plans to establish Rural Cancer Clinics?

As part of our efforts to extend cancer prevention and care services to more
communities in Uganda, we are aiming to construct the first rural cancer clinic in Bukedea District. This clinic will serve to raise awareness and evaluate the impact of health services within the region on rural health delivery.

How do you intend to broaden your Community Programme?

We’re looking to extend our community program to various rural areas in Uganda where access to cancer information and support is limited. Our approach involves collaborating with a diverse team skilled in Public Health, Health Promotion, Behavioural Health Science, Family Medicine, Nursing (Midwifery), Gynaecology, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Social Work.

This initiative aims to equip rural communities with knowledge on cancer prevention, early detection, and accessing cancer clinics for diagnosis and treatment. By empowering communities with this information, we enable them to take proactive steps in cancer control and prevention efforts.

What is remission?

Remission happens after treatment for some patients, while others are cured. It means the signs and symptoms of cancer decrease, either partially or completely. Complete remission means all signs of cancer disappear. If you stay in complete remission for five years or more, your doctor may say you’re cured, meaning there’s no cancer left after treatment.

Where can I find additional online resources for cancer information?

Expand your knowledge by exploring these reputable websites:

  • American Cancer Society:
  • MacMillan Cancer Support:
  • National Cancer Institute (USA):

These resources offer valuable information and support to help you better understand and cope with cancer.

How can I Maintain Good Health?

To stay healthy, focus on these key areas:

Diet: Eating a balanced diet is essential for managing treatment side effects and promoting recovery. Aim for three meals a day that include foods from all food groups. Prioritise fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while limiting fats, oils, salt, and sugar. Even if you’re experiencing appetite loss or nausea, try consuming smaller, more frequent meals and staying hydrated with water and fluids.

Exercise: Physical activity strengthens your body, reduces stress, and boosts your appetite. Start with short daily exercises, gradually increasing duration with your doctor’s approval. Whether it’s walking, dancing, cleaning, gardening, or opting for active transportation, find activities you enjoy and listen to your body’s needs.

Healthy Lifestyle: Consider lifestyle changes for better health. Quitting smoking and moderating alcohol intake are crucial. Tobacco use harms the lungs and increases cancer risk, while excessive alcohol consumption hinders treatment effectiveness and may lead to isolation and depression.

By focusing on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and positive lifestyle changes, you can support your overall health and well-being during your cancer journey.

Is it good to talk with family and friends about my cancer?

Yes, it’s important to open up to your loved ones about your cancer diagnosis and how they can assist you. Coping with cancer can be challenging, and keeping it a secret may impede your ability to seek proper treatment and follow medical advice.
While it’s natural to fear rejection or discomfort from family and friends, this is often not the case. Loved ones may struggle to find the right words or actions to support you. Here are some suggestions to facilitate communication:

  • Share your diagnosis with your inner circle as soon as you feel ready. They may feel hurt if they learn about it from others.
  • Provide information about your cancer type and treatment plan, reassuring them that it’s not contagious.
  • Allow your loved ones to offer assistance and communicate your needs clearly.
  • Express your feelings to those closest to you, as it can help you receive the support you need during tough times.
  • Inform your family and friends if their activities you’re unable to participate in due to your condition.
  • Encourage your loved ones to maintain their usual routines and reassure them that they shouldn’t feel guilty about doing so.
  • If you’re struggling emotionally, seek support from medical professionals or religious leaders.

How will I cope up with cancer?

We’re looking to extend our community program to various rural areas in Uganda where access to cancer information and support is limited. Our approach involves

Coping with cancer is a unique journey for each person, much like dealing with other challenges in life. With time and experience, most individuals find ways to continue their daily activities, hobbies, and relationships, often discovering new or adjusted ways of living.

Consider trying these coping strategies:

  • Learn about your cancer: Understanding your condition and its treatment can provide a sense of control over your situation.
  • Take care of yourself: Prioritize your physical and mental well-being by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.
  • Seek support: Connect with friends, family, or support groups for emotional support and companionship. Sharing experiences and advice with others facing similar challenges can alleviate feelings of isolation and provide comfort.

Remember, coping with cancer is a journey, and finding what works best for you may involve trial and error. You’re not alone, and there are resources and support available to help you through this process.

How is cancer treated?

Your doctor will determine the best course of treatment based on factors like the type and stage of cancer, as well as your age and overall health.

Treatment Goals:
The objective of treatment may be to cure the cancer, manage its progression, or alleviate symptoms. It’s essential to discuss the treatment goals with your doctor.

Treatment Options:
Common treatments for cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Depending on your condition, you may undergo one or a combination of these treatments.

Cost Considerations:
The cost of treatment varies depending on the type and duration of treatment. Additionally, there may be expenses for follow-up treatments if the cancer returns. Patients living far from treatment facilities should also consider transportation, meal, and lodging costs.

What is cancer?

Cancer is when cells in the body grow uncontrollably, making it difficult for the body to function properly.

What are cancer cells?

Cancer cells, are cells that have lost the ability to follow the normal control mechanisms that the body exerts on all cells. These abnormal cells divide uncontrollably, leading to the destruction of body tissue. Additionally, they have the capacity to invade other parts of the body and spread to different organs.

What are cells in the body?

The human body is made up of millions of tiny cells. Normal cells grow and divide to make new cells as the body needs them. Usually, when cells get too old or damaged, they die. Then new cells take their place.

How are cancer types named?

Cancer cells can originate in any part of the body and may also spread and grow in other areas. The name of the cancer type is determined by the location where it originated. For example, if cancer began in the lungs, it is referred to as lung cancer.

What are the types of cancer?

A tumor is an abnormal lump or swelling, often associated with cancer. However, it’s important to note that not all tumors are cancerous. Non-cancerous lumps are called benign, while cancerous ones are referred to as malignant. Additionally, certain cancers like leukemia (blood cancer) do not typically form tumors; instead, they affect the blood or other parts of the body.

What causes cancer?

Cancer does not have a single cause. Instead, there are various risk factors that can increase the likelihood of developing cancer. These include: certain infections like HIV and human papillomavirus (HPV), exposure to tobacco smoke or fumes from burning materials like buveera, inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables in the diet, being overweight, and aging. As we grow older, the risk of developing cancer naturally increases.

Is witchcraft a cause of cancer?

Certainly not. Cancer does not stem from witchcraft or any supernatural forces. It is a disease that can affect anyone, irrespective of their background, location, or beliefs.

Is cancer contagious?

No, cancer cannot be spread from person to person. You cannot contract cancer by caring for someone with cancer, spending time with them, or sharing meals. While certain cancers may be linked to viruses and bacteria that can spread between individuals, the cancers caused by these pathogens cannot be transmitted from one person to another.

Is cancer inherited?

While some cancers may involve inherited abnormal cells passed down from parents, it’s crucial to understand that cancer is not inherited in the same way as traits like height, eye color, or HIV.

The development of cancer is primarily driven by changes in cell division processes, which often occur throughout an individual’s lifetime due to factors such as exposure to tobacco smoke or fumes from burning materials like buveera.

“Why me?”

This question often comes up for people diagnosed with cancer, leading to feelings of guilt or blame. Some think cancer is punishment for past actions.

But remember, you’re not alone. Many facing cancer feel this way. However, cancer isn’t punishment. Instead of blaming yourself, please focus on taking care of yourself.

What are the common signs of cancer?

It’s important to get certain symptoms checked by a doctor without delay. Finding cancer early improves the chance of successful treatment, so it’s never a waste of time. Common signs include unexplained weight loss, persistent skin changes or sores, unusual bleeding, and lumps or swelling.

Even though these signs can also be caused by other conditions, it’s best to have them looked at by a doctor as soon as possible. And remember, there are many other symptoms of cancer not listed here. If you notice any big changes in how your body feels or works, especially if they last a long time or get worse, see a doctor.

Why is Tobacco so Harmful?

Tobacco is harmful because it contains substances found in dead bodies, gas chambers, radioactive materials, and rat poison. These components pose serious health risks to users and emphasise the dangers of tobacco consumption. Its good to keep in mind that Tobacco is the most prevalent cause of cancer as well as the most preventable cause of cancer.

What is the Relationship Between Stress and Cancer?

Stress may indirectly contribute to cancer through various pathways:

  1. Encourages unhealthy habits like drinking, smoking, or drug use.
  2. Weakens the immune system, potentially impacting the body’s ability to
    fight off cancer cells.
  3. Promotes an unhealthy lifestyle, such as obesity, which can increase the
    risk of cancer.
  4. Heightens overall toxicity in our lives, potentially elevating the likelihood of
    developing cancer.

Stress may indirectly contribute to cancer through various pathways:

What are the stages of cancer?

After a cancer diagnosis, the doctor assesses the tumor’s size and whether cancer has spread. This evaluation determines the cancer’s stage, crucial for treatment decisions and predicting outcomes. Typically, cancer is classified into four stages.

Stages 1 or 2 indicate localized cancer that’s easier to treat.
Stage 3 suggests the cancer has started spreading, making treatment more challenging.
Stage 4 indicates widespread cancer, usually less likely to be cured.

It’s essential to discuss your cancer stage with your doctor to understand its implications for treatment and prognosis.